Observe here,

1. The supplicants, the apostles.

2. The person supplicated, the Lord.

3. The supplication itself, Increase our faith.

4. The occasion of this supplication, our Saviour urging the duty of forgiving injuries.


1. That as all graces in general, so the grace of faith in particular, is weak and imperfect in the best of saints.

2. That the most eminent saints (apostles not excepted) are very sensible of the imperfection of their faith, and very importunate with God daily for the increase of it: Lord, increase our faith.

3. That faith strengthened enables the soul to the most difficult duties of obedience, and particularly helps to the practice of that hard duty of forgiving injuries. When our Saviour had preached the doctrine and duty of forgiveness, the apostles, instantly pray, Lord, increase our faith.

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Old Testament