Exodus 12:1-20

FIRST INSTITUTION OF THE PASSOVER. EXPOSITION THE INSTITUTION OF THE PASSOVER AND THE REASONS FOR IT.—In the interval allowed by God, according to the precedent of former announced plagues, between the warning concerning the first-born and the execution, Moses received instructions for the institut... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:21-28

EXPOSITION THE FIRST PASSOVER. Having received the Divine directions as to the new rite, if not with all the fulness ultimately given them, yet with sufficient fulness for the immediate purpose, Moses proceeded to communicate the Divine Will to the people under his protection. Having already arouse... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:29,30

EXPOSITION EXODUS 12:29, EXODUS 12:30 THE TENTH PLAGUE. At last the time had come for the dealing of the final blow. Nine plagues had been sent, nine inflictions endured, and no serious effect had been produced. Once or twice Pharaoh had wavered, had made profession of submitting himself, had even... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:31-36

EXPOSITION THE DISMISSAL The first action seems to have been taken by Pharaoh. The "cry" of the people had no doubt been heard in the palace, and he was aware that the blow had not fallen on himself alone, and may have anticipated what the people's feelings would be; but he did not wait for any dire... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:37-39

EXPOSITION THE DEPARTURE. There are, no doubts, great difficulties in conceiving the departure on one day, from one place, of "six hundred thousand that were men, beside children." The difficulty is increased when we find (from Numbers 1:3) that by "men" is meant males above twenty years of age. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:40-42

EXPOSITION The narrative of the departure from Egypt is followed, not unnaturally, by a notification of the length of the sojourn, which is declared to have been a space of four hundred and thirty years. In the "Introduction" to the Book, we have examined the question, which here arises, 1. As to... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:43-51

EXPOSITION SUPPLEMENTARY ORDINANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE PASSOVER. The position of these verses is curious. We should have expected them to have followed immediately on Exodus 12:20, or else to have been reserved for the further consideration of the subject in Exodus 23:1. It is suggested, in order t... [ Continue Reading ]

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