Exodus 6:1-8

DEPRESSION OF MOSES, AND CONFIRMATION OF HIS MISSION. EXPOSITION EXODUS 6:1 The expostulation of Moses did not offend God. God gave him, in reply to it, a most gracious series of promises and assurances, well calculated to calm his fears, assuage his griefs, and comfort his heart; and he confirmed... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:9

EXPOSITION EXODUS 6:9 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. The Israelites, who had expected a speedy deliverance, and found themselves only the more down-trodden for Moses' interference, were too much dispirited to be cheered even by the gracious promises and assurances which Moses was commissione... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:10-12

EXPOSITION EXODUS 6:10-2 The Israelites having shown themselves, for the time, unimpressible, God commands Moses to make his next effort upon the Pharaoh. He is to enter into his presence once more, and demand, without circumlocution or obscurity, that the Israelites be allowed to quit the land (Ex... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:13-27

EXPOSITION EXODUS 6:13-2 At this point the narrative is interrupted The author, or the final compiler—perhaps Joshua—thought it desirable to insert here a genealogical section, taking up the _fatuity _history of Israel from the point at which it was left in Exodus 1:5, where the sons of Jacob were... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:28-30

EXPOSITION EXODUS 6:28-2 The remainder of this chapter is scarcely more than a recapitulation. The author, or compiler, having interposed his genealogical section, has to take up the narrative from Exodus 6:12, where he broke off, and does so by almost repeating the words of Exodus 6:10-2. The only... [ Continue Reading ]

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