Ask for him the kingdom also His design is not upon Abishag, but upon the kingdom; which by this means he hopes to recover. “That Adonijah had such a design is very probable,” says Poole, “both from his temper, for he was an aspiring and designing man, highly discontented with Solomon's government, and desirous of a change; and from the nature of the thing, because he would not have made so daring and presumptuous a request, if he had not had some great design in it.” For he is my elder brother And therefore looks on the kingdom as his by birthright, and the law of nations, and thinks he may lawfully endeavour to recover his own, and cast me out as a usurper; to accomplish which the seeking Abishag to wife is the first step. Even for him, and for Abiathar and Joab “It is very likely,” says the author last quoted, “though not expressed, that he, and Joab, and Abiathar, were engaged in some design against Solomon, and that Solomon had obtained information of it; and therefore he did, and reasonably might, take this attempt of Adonijah to obtain Abishag, for an indication, and the first overt act of his treason.”

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