Beloved, thou doest faithfully Uprightly and sincerely; or, as πιστον ποιεις is more accurately rendered, thou dost a faithful thing; or a thing becoming a faithful person, or one who is a real believer; whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers To thy fellow- Christians, known to thee, and to those with whom thou hast had no acquaintance. Who have born witness of thy charity before the church The congregation with whom I now reside; whom Which brethren or Christian strangers; if thou bring forward on their journey Supplied with what is needful; after a godly sort In a manner worthy of God, or from a principle of divine love, and correspondent to the relation in which you and they stand to him; thou shalt do well How tenderly does the apostle enjoin this! Because that for his name's sake Out of zeal for his honour and interest; they went forth To preach the gospel, abandoning their habitations, possessions, and callings; taking nothing of the Gentiles Among whom they laboured, toward their support, that they might take off all suspicion of their being influenced by mercenary motives. We, therefore Who do not undertake expensive journeys for the sake of preaching the gospel, and who have any habitation of our own; ought to receive such Hospitably and respectfully; that If Divine Providence do not give us opportunities of laying ourselves out, as they do, in the exercise of the ministerial office; we might Though in a lower degree; be fellow-helpers to the truth Which they preach, and may be entitled, through divine grace, to a share in their reward.

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