For in Christ Jesus (See on Galatians 5:6,) neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision To prove that we are accepted of God, and possessed of genuine religion; but a new creature Or, a new creation, described 2 Corinthians 5:17, where see the note, as also on Galatians 5:6; where the same true and vital religion is termed, faith which worketh by love, implying the renovation of the whole man, by the power of the Divine Spirit, and producing universal, constant, and persevering obedience to God, or the keeping his commandments; which (1Co 7:19) is opposed to circumcision and uncircumcision, as here a new creation, and Galatians 5:6, faith working by love, is opposed to these things. Compare these passages, and the notes on them, with each other. As many as walk according to this rule 1st, Glorying only in the cross of Christ; 2d, Being crucified to the world; 3d, Created anew; peace be on them That peace, which is the fruit of justification and a new creation, Romans 5:1. And mercy

The source of that peace, and of every blessing enjoyed by fallen and sinful man, temporal or spiritual; and upon the Israel of God That is, the church of God, which consists of those, and only those, of every nation and kindred, tongue and people, who walk by this rule.

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