I have roared Hebrew, שׁאגתי, sha-agti, roared like a lion, or a bear, namely, through extreme misery; by reason of the disquietness of my heart For the great anxiety and torment of my mind, caused by the deep sense of my sins, and of God's wrath, and of the sad issue of both. My groaning is not hid from thee I do not utter all these complaints, nor roar out that thou mayest hear and know them, for thou hearest and knowest my lowest words, yea, the desires of my heart, and all my necessities. And, therefore, I pray thee, pity and deliver me, as I trust thou wilt. My heart panteth סחרחר, secharchar, circumit, palpitat, goeth round, palpitates, through fear and grief; or, it is perplexed and tossed with many and various thoughts, not knowing what to do, nor whither to go. The light of mine eyes Mine eyes are grown dim; either through grief and tears, or through weakness.

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