Therefore On this very account; as he cried As I, by my Spirit in my prophets, called, warned, entreated, and urged them to repent, obey, and live, but they would not; so they cried In their deep distress, and amidst their overwhelming calamities; and I would not hear Would not answer, or regard their prayer. But I scattered them Cast them out of their habitations, and dispersed them through distant countries; with a whirlwind Suddenly and irresistibly; among all the nations All the heathen, that hated them and their ways. Thus the land Once flowing with milk and honey; once full of cities, men, and cattle; was desolate after them Became waste as a wilderness after they were cast out; that no man passed through An entire riddance was not only made of its inhabitants, but the very highways were desolate, so that none passed and repassed: and that which was before a pleasant land, became a mere desert.

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