Luke 9:50

Did Jesus contradict Himself when He referred to those who are for Him (cf. Luke 11:23)? PROBLEM: In Luke 9:50, Jesus says that “he who is not against us is for us.” Yet in Luke 11:23 Jesus says that “He who is not with Me is against Me.” Which position is correct? SOLUTION: First, Luke 9:50 is bet... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 9:52,53

Did the Samaritans receive Christ or reject Him? PROBLEM: Luke says clearly that “they did not receive Him.” Yet, when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, a great multitude flocked to meet Him (John 4:39-40). SOLUTION: These passages refer to different times and different places. First... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 9:60

(CF. LUKE 9:60)— Wasn’t it absurd for Jesus to tell the dead to bury their own dead? PROBLEM: A man wanted to follow Jesus but first asked Jesus if he could go and bury his father. Jesus responded, “let the dead bury their own dead.” But the dead can’t bury anyone. This doesn’t seem to make any sen... [ Continue Reading ]

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