3 John 1:2

AS THY SOUL PROSPERETH; that he might be as much favored in his health and outward condition as he was in his piety and beneficence. It is desirable that good men should not only be eminent in piety and good works, but also have health and be in unembarrassed outward circumstances. They should there... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:5

THE BRETHREN; Christians who were in want. STRANGERS; those who were driven from home by persecution, or who had left it in the service of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:6

AFTER A GODLY SORT; with that kind of assistance which becomes disciples of Christ towards his ministers who go to preach the gospel and supply the destitute. It is the duty of ministers from love to Christ not only to preach the gospel at home, but to go to the heathen and preach it, where Christ h... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:7

HIS NAME'S SAKE; from love to Christ. WENT FORTH; to preach the gospel to the heathen. TAKING NOTHING; of their hearers for their support, but were supported by Christian friends and their own efforts.... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:9

I WROTE UNTO THE CHURCH; requesting them to assist the brethren in their benevolent efforts. DIOTREPHES; who opposed the apostle, and influenced the church not to comply with his request.... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:10

THE BRETHREN; whom the apostle had recommended to their hospitality and aid. Those who love power and seek to have preeminence in the church, are very apt to be haters of good men and of what they do for Christ-to be opposed to the right of private judgment, and to persecute those who exercise it. B... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:11

THAT WHICH IS EVIL; as exemplified by Diotrephes. HE THAT DOETH GOOD; to the friends of Christ, from love to him. IS OF GOD; belongs to God, as one of his children who is like him, and has communion with him. HATH NOT SEEN GOD; has wrong views of him, and is opposed to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

3 John 1:14

Kind salutations of friends are profitable, both to those who give and those who receive them; and real kindness habitually and kindly expressed, is the essence of true politeness, the ornament of dignified refinement, and the source of pure, elevated, and purifying joy.... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament