Matthew 16:1

PHARISEES-SADDUCEES; opposite sects among the Jews. Chap Matthew 3:7. TEMPTING; trying him, in order to get something against him. SIGN FROM HEAVEN; some miracle in the skies besides those he had wrought upon the earth, and which they pretended would more clearly show his real character.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:3

HYPOCRITES; pretending to one thing, while they sought another. SIGNS OF THE TIMES; these had been numerous and decisive. They were far more convincing than many on which they daily acted with regard to this life. The sceptre had departed from Judah, and the lawgiver from between his feet; that is,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:6

LEAVEN OF THE PHARISEES; their doctrines, verse Matthew 15:12, in which is included also their spirit of hypocrisy and vain-glory. Compare Luke 12:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:8

No displays of the power and love of Christ in times past, will of themselves lead his people rightly to trust in him for the future. In order to this, they must have his present teaching; and for this, as well as other things, they should pray "Give us this day our daily bread.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:17

BAR - JONA; son of Jonah; BAR; being a Syriac word for son. FLESH AND BLOOD; man. In order rightly to apprehend divine truth, and suitably to regard it, men must be taught it, not merely by their fellow-men, but by their Father in heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:18

THOU ART PETER; in the Greek, PETROS, the same as Cephas-from the Aramaean, or Hebrew of our Lord's day-and meaning, rock. AND UPON THIS ROCK; in the Greek, PETRA, that is, rock. The less usual form, PETROS, differs from PETRA in taking the masculine form, because it is given to a man as his epithet... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:19

THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; keys are a symbol of power and authority. BIND-LOOSE; the same gift is elsewhere bestowed on all the apostles and the disciples generally. Chap Matthew 18:18. The words of this verse may be understood, first, of the authority which Christ bestowed upon the inspired... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:20

TELL NO MAN; the time had not come to proclaim him publicly as the Messiah. He must first die for the sins of men, according to the Scriptures, and rise again for their justification. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. The publication of the whole truth would at some times be very improper. It would prevent much... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:22

REBUKE HIM; this showed the self-sufficiency of Peter, his forwardness to express his opinion, and his liability to err. SHALL NOT BE; this was in direct opposition to what Christ had said should be, and what was essential to the salvation of men; showing that Peter was not infallible, but was ofte... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:23

GET THEE BEHIND ME; a similar expression to what Christ had before used with regard to Satan, the great adversary of God and man. THOU SAVOREST NOT; thinkest not. Peter did not coincide in his views with God, but with men in opposition to God. God caused this evidence to be placed upon a permanent... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:24

COME AFTER ME; follow my directions. DENY HIMSELF; abstain from all indulgences which stand in the way of duty. TAKE UP HIS CROSS; resist the pleadings of carnal policy and appetite, and submit to whatever may be needful, in order to obey God. The life of disciples of Christ is one of self-denial.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:25

WHOSOEVER WILL SAVE HIS LIFE-LOSE HIS LIFE; whosoever shall save his temporal life by renouncing the Saviour, shall lose his eternal life; and whosoever shall lose his temporal life by following the Saviour, shall secure his eternal life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:27

THE SON OF MAN SHALL COME IN THE GLORY OF HIS FATHER; the splendors of the godhead at the day of judgment, when those who have suffered for him on earth will reign with him in heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:28

NOT TASTE OF DEATH; not die. COMING IN HIS KINGDOM; coming to set up, extend, and render efficacious his reign over his people on earth, in preparation for their everlasting reign with him in heaven. There seems to be here a special reference to the awful manifestation of his presence and power in... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament