1 Kings 15:2

THREE YEARS. Not full years, for he died in the twentieth year of Jeroboam (1 Kings 15:9). MOTHER'S. Put by Figure of speech _Synecdoche_ (of Genus) for ancestor. Here. grandmother. Maachah, or Michaiah (2 Chronicles 13:2). Abishalom. Absalom (2 Chronicles 11:21).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:17

RAMAH. the modern _er Ram,_ five miles north of Jerusalem, which it was intended to menace. See 2 Chronicles 16:1. GO OUT OR COME IN. But in vain. See 1Ki 12:27. 1 Kings 15:9, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:19

THERE IS. Supply Figure of speech _Ellipsis_ (App-6). [Let there be.] LEAGUE. covenant. AND. Supply [as] instead of "and", BEHOLD. Figure of speech _Asterismos_ App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:32

WAR. Only border fighting (compare verses: 1 Kings 15:16 1 Kings 15:32, 2 Chronicles 14:1; 2 Chronicles 15:19); no actual campaign, as in 2 Chronicles 16:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:33

IN TIRZAH. See notes on 1 Kings 14:17 and 1 Kings 15:21. TWENTY AND FOUR YEARS. Began in the third year of Asa. Therefore he died in the twenty-sixth year of Asa (1 Kings 16:8). Yet in the thirty-sixth year Baasha came and made war against Judah (2 Chronicles 16:1). This would be nine or ten years... [ Continue Reading ]

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