2 Chronicles 29:1

BEGAN TO REIGN. In the third year of Hoshea, king of Israel. Therefore in the last year but one of his father's reign. Hezekiah began his reformation in 616, the first year of his sole reign. See App-50. ABIJAH. In 2 Kings 18:2 it is given as _'Abi,_ here it is _'Abijah._ But the "I" in the former... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:3

THE FIRST YEAR. Yea, on the first day (2 Chronicles 29:17). Only three verses occupied with this in Kings, but three Chapter s in Chronicles. For the reason and object see App-56. OPENED THE DOORS. Compare 2 Chronicles 28:24. Note his zeal for the house of the LORD in his "Songs of the degrees" (Ps... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:5

YE LEVITES. Reformation must begin with the ministry. All priests were Levites, but not all Levites were priests. HOLY. See note on Exodus 3:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:6

TRESPASSED. acted unfaithfully. Hebrew. _ma'al._ App-44. EVIL. the evil. Hebrew. _ra'a'_ (with Art.) HABITATION. dwelling place. Hebrew. _mishkan._ App-40.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:7

ALSO. And, carrying the Figure of speech _Polysyndeton_ into this verse. SHUT UP THE DOORS. Compare 2 Chronicles 28:24. OFFERED. offered up. Hebrew. _'alah._ App-43.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:12

THEN THE LEVITES AROSE. They were from each of the three leading families (Gershorn, Kohath, and Merari); two from the family of Elizaphan (Kohath's grandson. Exodus 6:18; Exodus 6:22.Numbers 3:30; Numbers 3:30); two from the posterity of Asaph (of Gershom); two of Heman (of Kohath); two of Jeduthun... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:16

THE INNER PART. All true reformation begins there, and proceeds outward. Man makes clean the outside, and never gets any farther (Matthew 15:11; Matthew 15:17; Matthew 23:25; Matthew 23:26; Luke 11:39).... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:20

ROSE EARLY... WENT UP. Note the zeal of Hezekiah for the house of Jehovah in his Songs of the degrees. See Psalms 122:1; Psalms 122:9; Psalms 134:1; Psalms 134:2. and compare Isaiah 37:1; Isaiah 37:14; Isaiah 38:20; 2 Kings 20:8, and App-67. RULERS. princes.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:24

RECONCILIATION. cleansing. ATONEMENT. See note on Exodus 29:33. FOR ALL ISRAEL. Note the reference to this in Hezekiah's "Songs of the degrees" (Psalms 133, and Compare 2 Chronicles 30:1Ch 30:5, 2 Chronicles 30:6; 2 Chronicles 30:11; 2 Chronicles 30:12; 2 Chronicles 30:14;... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 29:25

DAVID. Compare 1 Chronicles 15:16; 1 Chronicles 23:5; 1 Chronicles 25:1. SEER. Hebrew. _chozeh._ See note on 1 Chronicles 29:29. OF. by the hand of. BY. by the hand of.... [ Continue Reading ]

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