For which cause. Therefore.

though. even if. App-118.

outward (Greek. exo) man (Greek. anthropos, App-123.) This expression Occurs only here. It is one of the rearms of the old nature. Compare Romans 6:6; 1 Corinthians 2:14.Ephesians 4:22; 2 Chronicles 3:9; 2 Chronicles 3:9.

perish. is corrupted or destroyed, Greek diaphtheire. Occurs elsewhere, Luke 12:33; 1 Timothy 6:5.Revelation 8:9; Revelation 11:1.

inward. Greek. eadthen. In Romans 7:22.Ephesians 3:16, the word is eso.

renewed. Greek. anakainoo Only here and Colossians 3:10.

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