The total number, accomplishing the command, Numbers 26:2.

six hundred, &c.. 601,730. In. Num 2:32603. Num 2:550, total decrease 1,820. In Egypt they increased like fishes, Exodus 1:7, now they decrease.

Compare Psalms 78:17. Seven tribes increased (Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, Benjamin, Dan, Asher), total 59,200, beside the 1,000 Levites. Five tribes decreased (Reuben, Simeon, Gad, Ephraim, and Naphtali), total 61,020.

LEAH, increase: in Judah 1900, Issachar 9,900, Zebulun 3,100, Leviticus 1. and decrease in Reuben 2,770, Simeon 37,100. Total decrease 23,970. RACHEL, increase: in Manasseh 20,500, Benjamin 10,200; and decrease in Ephraim 8,000; total increase 22,700. ZILPAH, increase: in Asher 11,900; and decrease in Gad 5,150; total increase 6,750. BILHAH, increase: in Dan 1,700; and decrease in Naphtali 8,000; total decrease 6,300.

So, in the four camps: East camp, all increased; South camp, all decreased; West camp, Benjamin and Manasseh increased, Ephraim decreased; North camp, Dan and Asher increased, Naphtali decreased. On the whole, compare Job 12:9; Job 12:10; Job 12:14; Job 12:23.

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