1 John 2 - Introduction


1 John 2:1

MY LITTLE CHILDREN, &C.— St. John has several times called the Christians to whom he wrote, _little children;_ not that it is to be supposed they were all his converts, though probably many of them were; but he was an apostle, and, as such, he looked upon himself as a _father,_ and all Christians un... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:2

AND HE IS THE PROPITIATION— Rather the _propitiatory sacrifice;_ the sin-offering, or sacrifice of atonement; for so the word 'Ιλασμος signifies both here and ch. 1 John 4:10. See on Romans 3:25. In this and the former verse, Jesus Christ is considered as being himself both the High-priest and the S... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:3

HEREBY WE DO KNOW THAT WE KNOW HIM— To _know_ Christ, to _love him,_ to _have him,_ and to _be in him,_ are in this epistle used as synonymous terms, or very nearly so. St. John had in the former chapter intimated, that no man can have communion with God, unless he _walk in the light,_ as _God is in... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:5

HIS WORD— The word of Jesus Christ; the same with his _commandments_ in the preceding verse. The _love of God_ is sometimes put for that love which God bears to us; but as the _fear of God_ signifies our fear of offending the Divine Being, and the _faith of Christ_ signifies our believing in him, so... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:7

BUT AN OLD COMMANDMENT— Founded in innocent nature before the Fall, recommended by the Mosaic law, and that which you had especially inculcated upon youfrom the beginning of your acquaintance with the gospel, the great practical intent of which was, doubtless, presently made known to you by whomsoev... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:8

AGAIN,— Or, _on the other hand._ The apostle, as it were, checks himself for what he had said 1 John 2:7. See the like use of the word παλιν, Matthew 4:7. The same commandment may, upon different accounts or in different respects, be called both _old_ and _new._ For instance, the commandment that Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:10

THERE IS NONE OCCASION, &C.— _There is no stumbling-block,_ Σκανδαλον, _in him._ By this expression it may be implied, that such a man lays no stumbling-block in the way of others; but it more particularly means that there is no stumbling-block lies in his way; he walks in the light, and therefore a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:11

BUT HE THAT HATETH HIS BROTHER— Here is all along an evident allusion to one person's walking in the open day-light and another's walking in a very dark night: the one walks securely, and avoids all dangers, seeing his way clearly before him; the other, like a blind man, is in danger every step he t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:12

_1 JOHN 2:12_.— In this and the two following verses, St. John affectionately addresses Christians of various ages or standings in the church; _children,_ or young converts; _young men,_ or those who were more established in the faith; and _fathers,_ or those who were the most confirmed in the divin... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:13

I WRITE UNTO YOU, FATHERS,— "Because you have heard of his divine dignity and glory, who was in the beginning, who was with God, and himself God; and you are old in grace, have experienced much of the heights and depths and lengths and breadths of the divine love; that you may behave aright towards... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:14

I HAVE WRITTEN UNTO YOU, FATHERS,— It is said, Job 12:12. That _with the ancient is wisdom, and in length of days understanding._ The propriety of St. John's address to the Christians aged in experience consists in this, that age brings both experience and wisdom; and as no knowledge or remembrance... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:15

LOVE NOT THE WORLD, &C.— By the _world,_ is sometimes meant the whole creation; sometimes the visible part of it, more commonly this earthly globe, with its appendages. Sometimes the world includes this animal life,together with the place of our present abode, and the things which support this life,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:16

FOR ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD,— St. John did by no means intend to say, that the natural world, and every thing in it, is confusion and deformity. If so, how could we from the make and constitution of the world infer a God and Providence? The three particulars immediately specified, shew what he mean... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:17

AND THE WORLD PASSETH AWAY, &C.— The short continuance of this life is here alleged as another reason against worldly-mindedness. See Psalms 37:36. 2 Peter 3:7. In this and the two foregoing verses there is an antithesis, which helps to fix the sense: this world is opposed to the future state; the i... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:18

LITTLE CHILDREN, IT IS THE LAST TIME— If these words are to be connected withthecontext,thenwe may consider them either as connected with the immediately preceding verses, and as containing one reason why those Christians were not to love the world; namely, that it was the last hour, and therefore t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:19

THEY WENT OUT FROM US, &C.— It is one mark of antichrist, that he had once been in the bosom of the church, and a Christian at least in profession. There were some judaizing Christians, who went down from Judea to Antioch, and assured the Gentile Christians there, that unless they were circumcised a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:20

BUT YE HAVE AN UNCTION, &C.— Both kings and priests were consecrated to their offices by anointing; and in the New Testament, wherein the title of _kings_ and _priests_ is given to true believers, by _anointing_ we are to understand any divine grace imparted to true believers. The apostle's meaning... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:21

I HAVE NOT WRITTEN UNTO YOU— Though St. John uses the word εγραψα, _I have written,_ as he had done before, 1 John 2:14 yet he speaks of what he was now writing; for there is no reason to think that he had written his Gospel or one Epistle to these Christians before this. See 1 Peter 5:12. And his u... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:22

WHO IS A LIAR, BUT HE THAT DENIETH, &C.?— See ch. 1 John 4:3. Some are of opinion, that this was written against Cerinthus, who in his doctrine separated Jesus from Christ, maintaining that they were two distinct persons, and denying Jesus to be the Son of God. The church of Rome denies both the Fat... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:23

BUT HE THAT ACKNOWLEDGETH THE SON, &C.— Our translators have printed this passage in Italics; but it is found in many authentic manuscripts, as well as in the Syriac, Vulgate, and other versions.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:24

LET THAT THEREFORE ABIDE IN YOU— This verse contains an inference from what was said before; namely, "As they who received the doctrine of the false teachers, did in effect hold neither the Father nor Son, therefore the true Christians were to hold fast the pure, primitive, and apostolic doctrine, w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:25

AND THIS IS THE PROMISE, &C.— OEcumenius thought, that και, _and,_ was put for γαρ, _for,_ οτι, _because._ It is evident, that the apostle here mentions the promise of eternal life as a motive to induce them to retain the true gospel, and remain faithful toChrist; as if he had said, "There is motive... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:26

THESE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN, &C.— By _these things_ some understand all that is said from 1 John 2:18 to this place; others understand this whole epistle. If some of the Christians to whom St. John wrote had been seduced, then by _you,_ in this verse, the apostle might mean _some of you:_ but it is... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:27

BUT THE ANOINTING, &C.— See on 1 John 2:20. The Spirit of God is compared to an _anointing,_ because of his precious and cheeringgifts, which rendered Christians more fit to encounter spiritual enemies; as wrestlers were anointed with oil, to make them fitter for their various exercises, and to prev... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:28

ABIDE IN HIM; THAT—WE, &C.— St. John says, "Do _you_ abide in him, that _we_ may not be ashamed;" which change of persons may be accounted for thus: "Do you continue true and faithful Christians, that _we_ your apostles and teachers may not be ashamed of our converts, as persons who have lost their... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 2:29

IF YE KNOW, &C.— "I have before been discoursing of the Divine holiness and purity: now the consideration of this may enable you to judge, whether you are, or are not, in the happy number of the children of God. For since you know that he is perfectly righteous, you may know that every one who pract... [ Continue Reading ]

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