We have bound ourselves under a great curse,— We have bound ourselves by a solemn anathema, seems a proper rendering of the emphatic original. Such execrable vows as these, were not unusual with the Jews, who challenged to themselves a right of punishing those without any legal process, whom they considered as transgressors of the law; and in some cases, thought that they were justified in killing them. Josephus mentions a case not much unlike this, of some who bound themselves with an oath to kill Herod; in which they gloried, as a laudable intention, because he had violated the ancient custom of their nation. It is no wonder therefore that these Jews should make no scruple of acquainting the chief-priests and elders with their conspiracy against the life of St. Paul; who were so far from blaming them for it, that, not long after they renewed the same design themselves. Dr. Lightfoot has shewn from the Talmud, that if theywere prevented from accomplishing such vows as these, it was an easy matter to obtain an absolution from their rabbies.

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