If the case of the man be so, &c.— The disciples observed to their Lord, that since the law of marriage is so rigid, that, unless the woman breaks the bond by going astray, her husband cannot dismiss her, but must bear with her, whatever are her other vices, deformities, or defects,—a man had better not marry at all. To this our Lord replies, that certainly it is not in every one's power to live continently; yet if any man has the gift, whether by natural constitution, or by the injury of human force used upon him, which has rendered him incapable of the matrimonial union,—according to that infamous traffic which the luxury and effeminacy of the Eastern world rendered so common; or by an ardent desire of promoting the interests of religion, animating him to subdue his natural appetite, and enabling him to live in voluntarychastity, unincumbered with the cares of the world; such a person will not sin, though he lead a single life. That the imputation of desire only is meant by the phrase, who have made themselves eunuchs, may be gathered from the other clauses of the passage: for there is mention made first of eunuchs, who were so born from their mother's womb; plainly importing that some are continent by natural constitution. Next we are told of eunuchs who have been made so by men; and last of all, there be, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake; not by doing violence to themselves, but by a strong resolution of living continently in a state of celibacy, for the sake of promoting more effectually the interests of religion. See 1 Corinthians 7:7; 1 Corinthians 7:37. Our Lord adds, He that is able to receive it, let him receive it; which words must not be referred to the clauses immediately preceding them, as if our Lord meant to say, "He who is able to become an eunuch by any of the ways I have mentioned, let him become one:" for the second way is without all question unlawful: but they must refer to Matthew 19:11 as is plain from the words themselves. In that verse Jesus had said, "All men cannot receive this saying, &c. They cannot live without marriage chastely, unless they have the gift of continency." In the 12th verse he shews how that gift is obtained, mentioning three ways of it; and then adds, he that is able to receive it, let him receive it. "He who by any of the methods that I have mentioned is in a capacity of living chastely, may continue unmarried without sinning." We may just observe, that what is here said of a single life, is entirely perverted by the Roman Catholics, when they produce it to discredit matrimony, and exalt celibacy as a more perfect state; for on this very occasion marriage is declared to be an institution of God: and, lest any one might have replied, that it was a remedy contrived purely for the weakness of our fallen state, it is particularlyobserved, that it was instituted in the time of man's innocence. Wherefore, as the Apostle tells us, Marriage is honourable in all ranks and conditions of persons, provided the duties thereof are inevitably maintained. Besides, it is false to affirm that our Lord recommends celibacy; he only gives permission for it, as a thing not unlawful; telling them, that if they were able to live continently, they would not sin, though they did not marry; especially as the times they lived in were times of persecution. In this light also the judgment of the apostle St. Paul is to be considered, 1 Corinthians 7:26. See Macknight, Wetstein, and Chemnitz.

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