
J.R. Dummelow’s Bible commentary was one of the twentieth century’s most popular Bible study resources. Seeking to provide a glimpse into the “intense reality of the message delivered,” Dummelow’s commentary helps readers who are used to studying the Bible with only an English translation take the next step in understanding the context of the Bible’s diverse parts. The contributions from over 40 biblical scholars bring the urgency of Paul’s letters, the joy and sorrow of David’s psalms, and the frustrations of Jeremiah to life for contemporary readers.

Beyond the rich verse-by-verse commentary, Dummelow includes more than 150 pages of essays on key biblical and theological concepts—from biblical chronology to Christology. Each book of the Bible is preceded by a concise summary of the books content and context. Containing all of the essentials for thorough personal Bible study, this commentary fits more detail and insight into a smaller amount of space than perhaps any other.

Sorce: biblecomments.org