Matthew 5:2

AND HE OPENED HIS MOUTH Having announced the kingdom of heaven as "at hand," the King, in Matthew 5-7, declares the principles of the kingdom. The Sermon on the Mount has a twofold application: (1) literally, to the kingdom. In this sense it gives the divine constitution for the righteous governme... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 5:17

I AM NOT COME TO DESTROY Christ's relation to the law of Moses may be thus summarized: (1) He was made under the law (Galatians 4:4). (2) He lived in perfect obedience to the law (John 8:46); (Matthew 17:5); (1 Peter 2:21). (3) he was a minister of the law to the Jews, clearing it from rabbinica... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 5:22

HELL FIRE Greek, "Geenna", means "Gehenna", the place in the valley of Hinnom where, anciently, human sacrifices were offered. (2 Chronicles 33:6); (Jeremiah 7:31) The word occurs, (Matthew 5:22); (Matthew 5:29); (Matthew 5:30); (Matthew 10:28); (Matthew 18:9); (Matthew 23:15 [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 5:48

PERFECT The word implies full development, growth into maturity of godliness, not sinless perfection. (Ephesians 4:12). In this passage the Father's kindness, not His sinlessness, is the point in question. (Luke 6:35).... [ Continue Reading ]

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