Therefore David enquired. — The first half of this verse is fuller and clearer than in Samuel. The second half must be adjusted by comparison with the older text, which reads, “Thou must not go up [LXX., “to meet them “]; go round to their rear, and come upon them in front of the baca trees.” Probably the terms rendered “after them” and “from them” should be slightly modified and transposed in our text. This will give, “Go not up against them; go round to their rear,” &c., as in Samuel.

Mulberry trees. — The traditional Jewish rendering of beka’îm, a Hebrew word only occurring here and in the parallel passage of Samuel. Probably the kind of balsam tree called băkâ by the Arabs is meant. It sheds a gum like tears, whence its name. (Heb., băkâ, “to weep.”) (Comp. Psalms 84:6.)

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