Clothed with righteousness. — The original is “salvation,” as below in Psalms 132:16, though the Hebrew word is slightly varied. This variation, however, is an almost positive proof that the psalmist, not the chronicler, is adopting words for his own purpose.

Possibly the priestly garments are mentioned, not only as symbolic of righteousness, but also as investing whoever possessed them, with supremacy political as well as religious. This is rendered more probable by the express mention of the diadem below (Psalms 132:18, see Note). “Whoever had these, the priestly paraphernalia, in his possession, had virtually the appointment to the office (high priest)” (Stanley, J. C. iii. 353). But if so, the Vulgate of the verse, in the form it has passed from the Breviary into Anglican worship, has amply recovered for the verse its larger and deeper spiritual intention: “Endue Thy ministers with righteousness, and make Thy chosen people joyful.”

Saintschasîdîm. Here very possibly technical of the party so called in the Maccabæan period. (See Note, Psalms 16:10.)

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