Ecclesiastes 9:1

CHAPTER IX _No men knows, by any present sign, what is before him_, 1. _All things happen alike to all_, 2, 3. _Comparison of the state of the dead and the living_, 4-6. _Enjoy God's mercies, and live to his glory_, 7-10. _The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong_, 11. _Man i... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:2

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:2. _ALL_ THINGS COME _ALIKE TO ALL_] This is very generally true; but God often makes a difference; and his faithful followers witness many interventions of Divine Providence in their behalf. But there are general blessings, and general natural evils, that equally affect the ju... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:3

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:3. _THE HEART OF THE SONS OF MEN IS FULL OF EVIL_] No wonder then that the curse of God should be frequent in the earth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:4

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:4. _FOR TO HIM THAT IS JOINED TO ALL THE LIVING THERE IS_ _HOPE_] While a man lives he hopes to _amend_, and he hopes to have a _better lot_; and thus life is spent, hoping to _grow better_, and hoping to _get more_. The _Vulgate_ has, "There is none that shall live always, nor... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:5

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:5. _THE LIVING KNOW THAT THEY SHALL DIE_] This is so self-evident that none can doubt it; and therefore all that have this conviction should prepare for death and eternal blessedness. _BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANY THING_] Cut off from _life_, they know nothing of _what passes unde... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:6

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:6. _ALSO THEIR LOVE, AND THEIR HATRED_] It is evident that he speaks here of the ignorance, want of power, c., of the _dead_, in reference only to _this life_. And though they have no more a _portion_ under the sun, yet he does not intimate that they have none anywhere else. A m... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:7

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:7. _GO THY WAY, EAT THY BREAD WITH JOY_] Do not vex and perplex yourselves with the dispensations and mysteries of Providence; enjoy the blessings which God has given you, and live to his glory; and then _God will accept your works_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:8

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:8. _LET THY GARMENTS BE ALWAYS WHITE_] The Jews wore white garments on festal occasions, as emblems of joy and innocence. Be always pure, and always happy. The inhabitants of India are all dressed in clean _white cotton_, and to this is the allusion in the text. The _Targum_ sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:9

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:9. _LIVE JOYFULLY WITH THE WIFE WHOM THOU LOVEST_] Marry prudently, keep faithfully attached to the wife thou hast chosen, and rejoice in the labour of thy hands. Some understand this as the words of the libertine objector: "Live joyfully with the woman whom thou lovest best.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:10. _WHATSOEVER THY HAND FINDETH TO DO_] Examine here the WHAT the HOW, and the WHY. I. _What_ is necessary to be done in this life, in reference to another? 1. Turn from sin. 2. Repent. 3. Frequent the ordinances of God, and associate with the upright. 4. Read the Scriptur... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:11

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:11. _THE RACE_ IS _NOT TO THE SWIFT_] It is not by swiftness, nor by strength and valour, that races are gained and battles won. God causes the _lame_ often to take the _prey_, the prize; and so works that the _weak_ overthrow the _strong_; therefore, no man should confide in hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:12

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:12. _AS THE BIRDS THAT ARE CAUGHT_] Man acts so heedlessly, notwithstanding all his wisdom, and all his warnings, that he is often taken, as a _fish_ is, by the baited hook; and the _bird_ by the baited snare. And thus, _an evil time_, like the snare, gin, trap, hook, falleth su... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:14

Verse 14. THERE WAS _A LITTLE CITY, AND FEW MEN WITHIN IT_] Here is another proof of the vanity of sublunary things; the _ingratitude of men_, and the _little compensation_ that _genuine_ _merit_ receives. The little history mentioned here may have either been a _fact_, or intended as an instructive... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:16

Verse 16. _THE POOR MAN'S WISDOM_ IS _DESPISED, AND HIS WORDS ARE_ _NOT HEARD._] I cannot help pursuing this illustration a little farther. The soldier who found Archimedes busily employed in drawing figures upon the sand, put to him some impertinent question, withal rudely obtruding himself on his... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:17

Verse 17. _THE WORDS OF WISE_ MEN ARE _HEARD IN QUIET_] In the tumult of war the words of _Archimedes_ were not heard; and his _life_ was lost.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:18

Verse 18. _WISDOM_ IS _BETTER THAN WEAPONS OF WAR_] So proved in the case of _Archimedes_. _BUT ONE SINNER_] Such as the Roman butcher above mentioned. _DESTROYETH MUCH GOOD_] Such as were the life and skill of the Syracusan mathematician. One sinner has often injured the work of God; one stumblin... [ Continue Reading ]

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