Proverbs 12:1

CHAPTER XII _Of the benefit of instruction, and the cultivation of piety._ _The virtuous woman. The different lot of the just and unjust._ _The humane man. The industrious man. The fool and the wise man._ _The uncharitable. The excellence of the righteous. The slothful_ _is in want. Righteousne... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:2

Verse Proverbs 12:2. _A GOOD_ MAN _OBTAINETH FAVOUR_] First, it is God who makes him _good_; for every child of Adam is _bad_ till the grace of God changes his heart. Secondly, while he walks in the path of obedience he increases in _goodness_, and consequently in the _favour_ _of the Lord_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:3

Verse Proverbs 12:3. _A MAN SHALL NOT BE ESTABLISHED BY WICKEDNESS_] Evil is always variable: it has no _fixed principle_, except the _root_ that is in the human heart; and even that is ever assuming _new forms_. Nothing is _permanent_ but _goodness_; and that is _unchangeable_, because it comes fro... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:4

Verse Proverbs 12:4. _A VIRTUOUS WOMAN_ IS _A CROWN TO HER HUSBAND_] אשת חיל _esheth chayil_, a _strong woman_. Our word _virtue_ (_virtus_) is derived from _vir_, a _man_; and as _man_ is the _noblest_ of God's creatures, virtue expresses what is becoming to man; what is _noble, courageous_, and _... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:7

Verse Proverbs 12:7. _THE WICKED ARE OVERTHROWN_] Seldom does God give such a long life or numerous offspring. _BUT THE HOUSE OF THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL STAND._] God blesses their progeny, and their families continue long in the earth; whereas the wicked seldom have many generations in a direct line. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:9

Verse Proverbs 12:9. HE THAT IS _DESPISED, AND HATH A SERVANT_] I believe the _Vulgate_ gives the true _sense_ of this verse: Melior est pauper, et sufficiens sibi; quam gloriosus, et indigens pane. "Better is the poor man who provides for himself, than the proud who is destitute of bread." The ver... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:10

Verse Proverbs 12:10. _A RIGHTEOUS_ MAN _REGARDETH THE LIFE OF HIS BEAST_] One principal characteristic of a _holy man_ is _mercy_: cruelty is unknown to him; and his benevolence extends to the meanest of the brute creation. Pity rules the heart of a pious man; he can do nothing that is _cruel_. He... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:11

Verse Proverbs 12:11. _HE THAT TILLETH HIS LAND_] God's blessing will be in the labour of the honest agriculturist. _BUT HE THAT FOLLOWETH VAIN PERSONS_] He who, while he should be cultivating his ground, preparing for a future crop, or reaping his harvest, associates with _fowlers, coursers of har... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:12

Verse Proverbs 12:12. _THE WICKED DESIRETH THE NET OF EVIL_ MEN] They applaud their ways, and are careful to imitate them in their wiles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:13

Verse Proverbs 12:13. _THE WICKED IS SNARED BY THE TRANSGRESSION OF_ HIS _LIPS_] A man who deals in _lies_ and _false oaths_ will sooner or later be found out to his own ruin. There is another proverb as true as this: _A liar had need of a good memory_; for as the _truth_ is not in _him_, he _says_... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:16

Verse Proverbs 12:16. _A FOOL'S WRATH IS PRESENTLY KNOWN_] We have a proverb very like this, and it will serve for illustration: - _A fool's bolt is soon shot._ A weak-minded man has no _self-government_; he is easily angered, and generally speaks whatever comes first to his mind.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:18

Verse Proverbs 12:18. _THERE IS THAT SPEAKETH_] Instead of בוטה _boteh,_ _blabbing out, blustering_, several MSS. have בוטח _boteach_, TRUSTING: and instead of כמדקרות _kemadkeroth_, _AS the piercings_, seven MSS., with the _Complutensian Polyglot_, have במדקרות _bemadkeroth_, _IN the piercings_. "T... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:19

Verse Proverbs 12:19. _A LYING TONGUE_ IS _BUT FOR A MOMENT._] _Truth_ stands for ever; because its _foundation_ is indestructible: but _falsehood_ may soon be detected; and, though it gain credit for a while, it had that credit because it was supposed to be _truth_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:21

Verse Proverbs 12:21. _THERE SHALL NO EVIL HAPPEN TO THE JUST_] No, for all things work together for good to them that love God. Whatever occurs to a righteous man God turns to his advantage. But, on the other hand, the _wicked are filled with mischief_: they are hurt, grieved, and wounded, by every... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:23

Verse Proverbs 12:23. _A PRUDENT MAN CONCEALETH KNOWLEDGE_] "If a fool hold his peace he may pass for a wise man." I have known men of some learning, so intent on immediately informing a company how well cultivated their minds were, that they have passed either for _insignificant pedants_ or _stupid... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:24

Verse Proverbs 12:24. _THE HAND OF THE DILIGENT SHALL BEAR RULE_] And why? because by his _own industry_ he is _independent_; and every such person is respected wherever found.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:25

Verse Proverbs 12:25. _HEAVINESS IN THE HEART OF A MAN MAKETH IT STOOP_] Sorrow of heart, hopeless love, or a sense of God's displeasure-these prostrate the _man_, and he becomes a _child_ before them. _BUT A GOOD WORD MAKETH IT GLAD._] A single good or favourable word will remove despondency; and... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:26

Verse Proverbs 12:26. _THE RIGHTEOUS_ IS _MORE EXCELLENT THAN HIS NEIGHBOUR_] That is, if the neighbour be a wicked man. The spirit of the proverb lies here: The POOR _righteous man_ is _more excellent_ than his _sinful neighbour_, though _affluent_ and _noble_. The _Syriac_ has it, "The righteous... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:27

Verse Proverbs 12:27. _THE SLOTHFUL_ MAN _ROASTETH NOT THAT WHICH HE TOOK IN_ _HUNTING_] Because he is a _slothful_ man, he does not hunt for prey; therefore gets _none_, and cannot _roast_, that he may _eat_. There is some obscurity in the _original_, on which the _versions_ cast little light. _Cov... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 12:28

Verse Proverbs 12:28. _IN THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS_ IS _LIFE_] חיים _chaiyim,_ _lives; life_ temporal, and _life_ eternal. _AND_ IN _THE PATHWAY_ THEREOF THERE IS _NO DEATH._] Not only do the _general precepts_ and _promises_ of God lead _to life eternal_, and promote _life temporal_; but every _du... [ Continue Reading ]

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