Romans 3:1

CHAPTER III. _The apostle points out the peculiar privileges of the Jews_, 1-8. _But shows that they, also, as well as the Gentiles, had sinned_, _and forfeited all right and title to God's especial favour_, 9. _The corrupt state of all mankind_, 10-18. _All the world is guilty before God, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:2

Verse Romans 3:2. APOSTLE. _MUCH EVERY WAY_] The _Jews_, in reference to the _means_ and _motives_ of obedience, enjoy many advantages beyond the _Gentiles_; and, principally, because _to them were committed the_ _oracles of God_-that revelation of his will to Moses and the prophets, containing a tr... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:3

Verse Romans 3:3. JEW. _FOR WHAT_] τιγαρ, _What then, if some did not_ _believe_, c. If some of the Jewish nation have abused their privileges, and acted contrary to their obligations, shall their wickedness _annul_ the PROMISE which God made to Abraham, that he would, by an _everlasting_ covenant,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:4

Verse Romans 3:4. APOSTLE. _GOD FORBID_] μηγενοιτο, _Let it not be, far_ _from it, by no means. Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar_, c. We must ever maintain that God is true, and that if, in any case, his promise appear to fail, it is because the condition on which it was given has not bee... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:5

Verse Romans 3:5. JEW. _BUT IF OUR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS COMMEND THE_ _RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD_] May we not suppose that our unrighteousness may serve to commend and illustrate the mercy of God in keeping and fulfilling to us the promise which he made to our forefathers? The _more wicked_ we are, the _more_... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:6

Verse Romans 3:6. APOSTLE. _GOD FORBID_] μη γενοιτο, by no means. God cannot be _unjust_; were he unjust, he could not be qualified to judge the world, nor inflict that punishment on the unfaithful Jews, to which I refer.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:7

Verse Romans 3:7. JEW. _FOR IF THE TRUTH OF GOD_, c.] But to resume my reasoning (Romans 3:5:) If the faithfulness of God in keeping his promise made to our fathers is, through our unfaithfulness, made far more glorious than it otherwise would have been, why should we then be _blamed_ for that which... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:8

Verse Romans 3:8. APOSTLE. _AND NOT_ RATHER, C.] _And_ why do you _not_ _say_, seeing you assume this ground, that in all cases we should do wickedly, because God, by freely pardoning, can so glorify his own grace? This is a most impious sentiment, but it follows from your reasoning it has, indeed,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:9

Verse Romans 3:9. JEW. _WHAT THEN?_] After all, have not we Jews a better claim to the privileges of the kingdom of God than the _Gentiles_ have? APOSTLE. _NO, IN NO WISE_] For I have already proved that both Jews and Gentiles are under the guilt of sin; that they are equally unworthy of the blessi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:10

Verse Romans 3:10. _AS IT IS WRITTEN_] See Psalms 14:1; from which this and the two following verses are taken. _THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS_] This is true, not only of the _Jews_, but of the Gentiles; of every soul of man, considered in his natural and practical state, previously to his receiving the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:12

Verse Romans 3:12. _THEY ARE ALL GONE OUT OF THE WAY_] παντες εξεκλιναν, they have all _diverged_ from the right way, they have either _abandoned_ or _corrupted_ the _worship_ of God: the _Jews_, in forsaking the _law_ and the _prophets_, and the _Gentiles_, in acting contrary to the _law which God... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:13

Verse Romans 3:13. _THEIR THROAT IS AN OPEN SEPULCHRE_] This and all the following verses to the end of the 18th Romans 3:13 are found in the _Septuagint_, but not in the _Hebrew_ text; and it is most evident that it was from this version that the apostle quoted, as the verses cannot be found in an... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:14

Verse Romans 3:14. _WHOSE MOUTH IS FULL OF CURSING_, c.] They never speak but in _profane oaths, blasphemies_, and malice.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:15

Verse Romans 3:15. _THEIR FEET ARE SWIFT TO SHED BLOOD_] They make use of every means in their power to destroy the reputation and lives of the innocent.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:16

Verse Romans 3:16. _DESTRUCTION AND MISERY_ ARE _IN THEIR WAYS_] DESTRUCTION is their _work_, and MISERY to _themselves_ and to the _objects_ of their malice is the _consequence_ of their impious and murderous conduct.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:17

Verse 17. _AND THE WAY OF PEACE HAVE THEY NOT KNOWN_] They neither have peace in themselves, nor do they suffer others to live in quiet: they are brooders and fomenters of discord.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:18

Verse 18. _THERE IS NO FEAR OF GOD BEFORE THEIR EYES._] This completes their bad character; they are downright atheists, at least practically such. They fear not God's judgments, although his eye is upon them in their evil ways. There is not one article of what is charged against the Jews and Genti... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:19

Verse 19. _WHAT THINGS SOEVER THE LAW SAITH_] That the word _law_, here, does not mean the _pentateuch_, is evident from the preceding quotations, not one of which is taken from that work. Either the term _law_ must here mean the _Jewish writings in general_, or that _rule of moral conduct_ which Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:20

Verse 20. _THEREFORE, BY THE DEEDS OF THE LAW_] On the score of _obedience_ to this moral law, _there shall no flesh_, ουπασασαρξ, _no human being_, be justified; none can be accepted in the sight of God. And why? Because _by the law is the knowledge of sin_: it is that which _ascertains_ what sin... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:21

Verse 21. _BUT NOW THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD_] God's _method of_ _saving sinners_ is now shown, by the Gospel, to be through his own mere mercy, by Christ Jesus; _without the law_-without any right or claim which might result from obedience to the law; and is evidently that which was intended by God... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:22

Verse 22. _EVEN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD_] That method of saving sinners which is not of _works_, but by faith in Christ Jesus; and it is not restrained to any _particular people_, as the law and its privileges were, but is _unto all_ mankind in its _intention_ and _offer_, and becomes effectual to... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:23

Verse 23. _FOR ALL HAVE SINNED:_] And consequently are equally helpless and guilty; and, as God is no respecter of persons, all human creatures being equally his offspring, and there being _no_ _reason_ why _one_ should be _preferred_ before _another_, therefore his endless mercy has embraced ALL.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:24

Verse 24. _BEING JUSTIFIED FREELY BY HIS GRACE_] So far from being able to attain the glory of God by their obedience, they are all guilty: and, to be saved, must be freely pardoned by God's grace; which is shown to them who believe, through the redemption, απολυτρωσεως, the _ransom price_, which _... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:25

Verse 25. _WHOM GOD HATH SET FORTH_] Appointed and published to be a _propitiation_, ιλαστηριον, the _mercy-seat_, or _place_ of atonement; because the blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled on and before _that_, in order to obtain remission of sin, punishment, c. The _mercy-seat_ was the _lid_ or _co... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:26

Verse 26. _TO DECLARE_, I SAY, _AT THIS TIME_] To manifest _now_, by the dispensation of the _Gospel, his righteousness_, his infinite mercy; and to manifest it in such a way, that he might still appear to be the _just_ God, and yet _the justifier_, the pardoner, _of_ _him who believeth in Jesus_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:27

Verse 27. JEW. _WHERE IS BOASTING, THEN?_] 'η καυχησις, _This_ _glorying_ of ours. Have we nothing in which we can _trust_ for our acceptance with God? No _merit_ of our _own_? Nothing accruing to us from our circumcision and being in covenant with God. APOSTLE, _IT IS EXCLUDED_] εξεκλεισθη, _It is... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:28

Verse 28. _THEREFORE WE CONCLUDE_, c.] Seeing these things cannot be denied, viz., that all have sinned: that all are guilty, that all are helpless: that none can deliver his own soul, and that God, in his endless mercy, has opened _a new and living way to_ _the holiest by the blood of Jesus_, Hebr... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:29

Verse 29. IS HE _THE GOD OF THE JEWS ONLY?_] Do not begin to suppose that because you cannot be justified by the works of the law and God has in his mercy found out a new method of saving you, that therefore this mercy shall apply to the _Jews_ exclusively. Is not God the maker, preserver, and redee... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:30

Verse 30. _SEEING_ IT IS _ONE GOD_] επιπερ εις ο θεος. This has been rendered, _Seeing God is one_. It however makes little difference in the sense: the apostle's meaning most evidently is, it is one and the same God who made both Jews and Gentiles, who shall _justify_-pardon, _the circumcision_-the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:31

Verse Romans 3:31. _DO WE THEN MAKE VOID THE LAW THROUGH FAITH?_] 1. By _law_ here we may understand the whole of the Mosaic law, in its _rites_ and _ceremonies_; of which Jesus Christ was the _subject_ and the _end_. All that law had respect to _him_; and the _doctrine_ of faith in Christ Jesus, w... [ Continue Reading ]

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