Daniel 11 - Introduction

INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCLUDING VISION THE remaining section of the Book of Daniel forms but one vision, of which this chapter is the Introduction or Prologue. Daniel is here spoken of in the third person. It is dated in the third year of Cyrus (B.C. 535). We have already been told that Daniel lived... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 11:2-9

FIRST SECTION Daniel 11:2 Events from the rise of Alexander the Great (B.C. 336) to the death of Seleucus Nicator (B.C. 280). There are to be three kings of Persia after Cyrus (who is then reigning), of whom the third is to be the richest; and "when he is waxed strong through his riches, he shall... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 11:10-19

SECOND SECTION (Daniel 11:10) Events from the death of Ptolemy Euergetes (B.C. 247) to the death of Antiochus III (the Great, B.C. 175). In the following verses, as Behrmann observes, there is a sort of dance of shadows, only fully intelligible to the initiated. Daniel 11:10 -The sons of Seleucus... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 11:20-27

THIRD SECTION (Daniel 11:20) Events under Seleucus Philopator down to the first attempts of Antiochus Epiphanes against Egypt (B.C. 170). Daniel 11:20 -Seleucus Philopator (B.C. 187-176) had a character the reverse of his father's. He was no restless seeker for glory, but desired wealth and quietn... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 11:28-35

FOURTH SECTION (Daniel 11:28) Events between the first attack of Antiochus on Jerusalem (B.C. 170) and his plunder of the Temple to the first revolt of the Maccabees (B.C. 167). Daniel 11:28 (B.C. 168).-Returning from Egypt with great plunder, Antiochus shall set himself against the Holy Covenant... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 11:36-45

FIFTH SECTION (Daniel 11:36, B.C. 147-164) Events from the beginning of the Maccabean rising to the death of Antiochus Epiphanes. Daniel 11:36 -Antiochus will grow more arbitrary, more insolent, more blasphemous, from day to day, calling himself "God" (Theos) on his coins, and requiring all his s... [ Continue Reading ]

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