IV. The journey to Jerusalem -- Chapter 9:51-19:27

CHAPTER 9:51-62

1. His Face Set Toward Jerusalem. (Luke 9:51)

2. The Rejected Messengers and His Rebuke. (Luke 9:53)

3. Tests of Discipleship. (Luke 9:57 .)

The fifty-first verse marks a new part in this Gospel. The time was come; His hour was approaching. As the perfect Man we have seen Him. As babe, as child, as man in all His loveliness we have seen Him and now the compassionate, loving One, He, who always pleased God in a perfect obedience “steadfastly set His face to go up to Jerusalem.” Coming from Galilee the messengers entered into a village of the Samaritans, who would not receive Him because His face was set toward Jerusalem, the city the Samaritans hated. James and John asked the Lord to command fire to come down from heaven to consume them as Elias did. They believed the Lord had the power to do this. They had been with Him and had seen His deeds of love and kindness and yet they could make so strange a request. He then rebuked them. Later John went again into Samaria, but manifested a far different spirit (Acts 8:1).

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