Leviticus 17 - Introduction

INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS 17 In this chapter a law is given, ordering all sorts of persons, Israelites and sojourners, to bring their sacrifices to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, on pain of being cut off, Leviticus 17:1; and a special and particular prohibition of sacrificing to de... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:1

AND THE LORD SPAKE UNTO MOSES,.... After he had given him the law about the day of atonement, and the rites belonging to it: SAYING; as follows.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:2

SPEAK UNTO AARON, AND UNTO HIS SONS,.... Who were now constituted priests, the business of whose office it was to offer the sacrifices of the people, ordinary and extraordinary: AND TO ALL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL; who were all under obligation to sacrifices at certain times; under whom may be compre... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:3

WHAT MAN SOEVER [THERE BE] OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL,.... Whether high or low, rich or poor: THAT KILLETH AN OX, OR LAMB, OR GOAT IN THE CAMP; which are particularly mentioned, as Gersom observes, because of these the offerings were; for the law respects the killing of them not for common food, but fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:4

AND BRINGETH IT NOT UNTO THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION,.... Near to which stood the altar of burnt offering to offer it upon, and the priests ready for such service: now the Lord would have every sacrifice brought thither TO OFFER AN OFFERING TO THE LORD BEFORE THE TABERNACLE OF TH... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:5

TO THE END THAT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL MAY BRING THEIR SACRIFICES WHICH THEY OFFER IN THE OPEN FIELD,.... Which, before the tabernacle was erected, they were used to offer there, as it was lawful for them to do, and on high places, but now unlawful; though sometimes this was dispensed with by the Lo... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:6

AND THE PRIEST SHALL SPRINKLE THE BLOOD UPON THE ALTAR OF THE LORD,.... The altar of burnt: offering, Leviticus 1:5; [AT] THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION; near to which it stood, see Leviticus 1:5; AND BURN THE FAT FOR A SWEET SAVOUR TO THE LORD; the fat that covered the inwards, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:7

AND THEY SHALL NO MORE OFFER THEIR SACRIFICES UNTO DEVILS,.... As it seems they had done, which was monstrously shocking, and especially by a people that had the knowledge of the true God. Such shocking idolatry has been committed, and still is among the Indians, both East and West: when Columbus di... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:8

AND THOU SHALT SAY UNTO THEM,.... To Aaron and his sons, and to the children of Israel, as in Leviticus 17:2; WHATSOEVER MAN [THERE BE] OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL: belonging to that nation, and to any of its tribes and families, of whatever age; as a young man or an old man, as the Targum of Jonathan;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:9

AND BRINGETH IT NOT TO THE DOOR OF THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION, TO OFFER IT UNTO THE LORD,.... In a public manner, by one of the priests of the Lord; by which it might appear that he did not take upon him to be a priest himself, nor to offer it to an idol: EVEN THAT MAN SHALL BE CUT OFF FROM... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:10

AND WHATSOEVER MAN [THERE BE] OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL,.... That is by birth an Israelite, of every age, sex, or condition, as before: OR OF THE STRANGERS THAT SOJOURN AMONG YOU; proselytes of righteousness, for the following law was only obligatory on such, and upon Israelites, as appears from its b... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:11

FOR THE LIFE OF THE FLESH [IS] IN THE BLOOD,.... The animal life or soul, the life and soul of every creature, and even the animal life and soul of man; agreeably to which our famous Dr. Harvey, who found out the circulation of the blood, says of it, that it is the principal part which first appears... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:12

THEREFORE I SAID UNTO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, NO SOUL OF YOU SHALL EAT BLOOD,.... Great or small as Jarchi observes, for the reason above given; which, though not expressed before, was the true reason of this law, which had been given before, and now repeated; see Leviticus 3:17; NEITHER SHALL ANY... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:13

AND WHATSOEVER MAN [THERE BE] OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, OR OF THE STRANGERS THAT SOJOURN AMONG YOU,.... This form of speaking, which is often used in this chapter, is still observed to point out the persons on whom the law is obligatory, Israelites and proselytes of righteousness: WHICH HUNTETH AN... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:14

FOR [IT IS] THE LIFE OF ALL FLESH,.... Of every animal: THE BLOOD OF IT [IS] FOR THE LIFE THEREOF; for the production, preservation, and continuance of life; that on which life depends, as Jarchi observes: THEREFORE I SAID UNTO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, YE SHALL EAT THE BLOOD OF NO MANNER OF FLESH;... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:15

AND EVERY SOUL THAT EATETH THAT WHICH DIED [OF ITSELF],.... Through any disease upon it, or by means of any other creature seizing upon it and worrying it, or was not lawfully killed; if a man ate ever so little of it, even but the quantity of an olive, it was a breach of this law; which is connecte... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 17:16

BUT IF HE WASH [THEM] NOT,.... Neither wash his clothes: nor bathe his flesh; if he is negligent, and does not take care to make use of these ablutions: THEN HE SHALL BEAR HIS INIQUITY; his guilt shall remain on him, and he shall suffer the punishment the law exposes him to, either by the hand of G... [ Continue Reading ]

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