Matthew 16:1

THE PHARISEES ALSO WITH THE SADDUCEES CAME, c] Not from Jerusalem, as in Matthew 15:1 but from the neighbouring places: these were Galilean Sadducees and Pharisees, of whom mention is made in the Misna w "says צדוקי גלילי, "a Galilean Sadducee", (i.e. one that was of the land of Galilee, as Barteno... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:2

HE ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM,.... Knowing full well their views, and having wrought sufficient miracles to confirm his Messiahship, he thought fit to give them no other answer than this: WHEN IT IS EVENING, YE SAY, IT WILL BE FAIR WEATHER, FOR THE SKY IS RED; when the sun is setting, it is a comm... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:3

AND IN THE MORNING, IT WILL BE FOUL WEATHER TODAY,.... When you rise in the morning, and take a survey of the heavens, it is a very usual thing with you to say, it is like to be windy or rainy weather today, FOR THE SKY IS RED AND LOWRING; which shows, that the clouds are so thick that the sun cann... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:4

A WICKED AND ADULTEROUS GENERATION,.... He says the same things here, as he did to the Pharisees on a like occasion, in Matthew 12:39. AND HE LEFT THEM; as persons hardened, perverse, and incurable, and as unworthy to be conversed with: AND DEPARTED: to the ship which brought him thither, and went... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:5

WHEN HIS DISCIPLES WERE COME TO THE OTHER SIDE,.... Of the sea, as Munster's Hebrew Gospel adds, to Bethsaida, Mark 8:22 as they were either in the ship, or going from the shore to the said place, they recollected themselves, THAT THEY HAD FORGOTTEN TO TAKE BREAD: having but one loaf, as Mark says,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:6

THEN JESUS SAID UNTO THEM,.... Either taking occasion from the disciples observing that they had forgot to take bread with them, or on account of what passed between him and the Pharisees and Sadducees, he gave the following advice to his disciples; TAKE HEED AND BEWARE OF THE LEAVEN OF THE PHARISE... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:7

Ver. 7 AND THEY REASONED AMONG THEMSELVES,.... Either what should be the meaning of this caution of Christ's, and upon what account he should say this to them; or they were anxiously concerned what they should do for provision: SAYING, BECAUSE WE HAVE TAKEN NO BREAD; for the phrase, "it is", is a s... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:8

WHICH WHEN JESUS PERCEIVED,.... Without hearing any of their debates, but by his omniscience; for he knew the doubts and unbelief, and anxious solicitude of their minds, as well as their private reasonings one with another: HE SAID UNTO THEM, O YE OF LITTLE FAITH; a phrase used upon a like occasion... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:9

DO YE NOT UNDERSTAND,.... Meaning either the sense of the advice he had now given; or rather his almighty power displayed in the two miracles of feeding five thousand at one time, and four thousand at another, with a very small quantity of provision; for to this the word "understand" refers, as well... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:10

NEITHER THE SEVEN LOAVES OF THE FOUR THOUSAND,.... Have you forgot the other miracle done but a very little while ago, when I fed four thousand men, beside women and children, with seven loaves and a few small fishes; AND HOW MANY BASKETS YE TOOK UP? no less than seven large baskets; and am I not a... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:11

HOW IS IT THAT YE DO NOT UNDERSTAND,.... That you should be so senseless and void of thought, after such instances, as to imagine, that I concerned myself about what bread you brought with you; one would think you could not but know, THAT I SPAKE IT NOT TO YOU CONCERNING BREAD, taken in a literal s... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:12

THEN UNDERSTOOD THEY,.... Without any further explication of his sense and meaning, HOW THAT HE BADE THEM NOT BEWARE OF THE LEAVEN OF BREAD: which sense they first took him in; imagining, because the Pharisees were very particular and precise what sort of leaven they made use of z, that Christ forb... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:13

WHEN JESUS CAME INTO THE COASTS OF CAESAREA PHILIPPI,.... The towns that were in the neighbourhood of this city; which city went by several names before, as Leshem, Joshua 19:47 which being taken by the Danites, they called it Dan; hence we read of דקיסריון דן, "Dan, which is Caesarea" b. It was al... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:14

AND THEY SAID, SOME SAY THAT THOU ART JOHN THE BAPTIST,.... It was the opinion of some of the Jews, that he was John the Baptist risen from the dead. This notion was spread, and prevailed in Herod's court, and he himself, at last, gave into it. SOME ELIAS; the Tishbite, because an extraordinary per... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:15

HE SAITH UNTO THEM, BUT WHOM SAY YE THAT I AM?] Without taking any further notice, or making any reflections on the different sentiments of men concerning him, he put this question to his disciples, and which is what he had chiefly in view, that he might have their sense of him; and which he puts in... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:16

AND SIMON PETER ANSWERED AND SAID,.... Either of his own accord, and for himself, being a warm, zealous, and forward man; one that dearly loved Christ, truly believed in him, and was ready to make a confession of him; or, as the mouth of the rest, in their name, and with their consent; or, at least,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:17

AND JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM,.... Not waiting for any other declaration from them; but taking this to be the sense of them all, he said, BLESSED ART THOU SIMON BAR JONA, or son of Jona, or Jonas, as in John 1:42. His father's name was Jonah, whence he was so called: so we read i of R. Bo ba... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:18

AND I SAY ALSO UNTO THEE,.... Either besides what he had already said concerning his happiness; or, as the father had revealed something great and valuable, so likewise would he; or inasmuch as he had freely said and declared who, and what he was, in like manner he also would say what Peter was, tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:19

AND I WILL GIVE UNTO THEE THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN,.... By the kingdom of heaven is meant the Gospel, which comes from heaven, declares the king Messiah to be come, speaks of things concerning his kingdom, is the means of setting it up, and enlarging it, displays the riches of his grace, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:20

THEN CHARGED HE HIS DISCIPLES,.... When Peter had so freely and fully confessed him to be the Messiah, and which was the sense of all the disciples; and when Christ had expressed his approbation of his confession, and had promised such great and excellent things upon it, he gave a strict charge unto... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:21

FROM THAT TIME FORTH BEGAN JESUS TO SHOW UNTO HIS DISCIPLES,.... From the time that Peter made the confession concerning Jesus, as that he was the Messiah, and Son of God, and which things were clear to all the apostles, he began to teach them more expressly, and to point out to them more clearly, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:22

THEN PETER TOOK HIM,.... The Arabic version reads it, "called to him": the Ethiopic, "answered him"; and the Syriac, "led him"; he took him aside, by himself; and as the Persic version, "privately said to him", or he took him by the hand in a familiar way, to expostulate with him, and dissuade him f... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:23

BUT HE TURNED,.... Either to Peter, changing his countenance, and looking sternly upon him, or rather to the disciples; for Mark says, "when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter": Peter had took him aside, and was arguing the case privately with him; but what he said was... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:24

THEN SAID JESUS UNTO HIS DISCIPLES,.... Knowing that they had all imbibed the same notion of a temporal kingdom, and were in expectation of worldly riches, honour, and pleasure; he took this opportunity of preaching the doctrine of the cross to them, and of letting them know, that they must prepare... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:25

FOR WHOSOEVER WILL SAVE HIS LIFE,.... Whoever is desirous of preserving himself from troubles, reproaches, persecutions, and death; and takes such a method to do it, as by forsaking Christ, denying his Gospel, and dropping his profession of it; and by so doing, curries favour with men, in order to p... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:26

FOR WHAT IS A MAN PROFITED,.... Such persons, though they are only seeking their own profit, will find themselves most sadly mistaken; for of what advantage will it be to such a man, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD; all that is precious and valuable in it; all the power, pleasures, and riches of i... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:27

FOR THE SON OF MAN SHALL COME IN THE GLORY OF HIS FATHER,.... This is a reason, proving the truth of what is before asserted, that men's lives may be lost by saving them, and be found by losing them, whatever paradoxes they may seem to be; and that the loss of a soul is irrecoverable, and no compens... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:28

VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU..... This is a strong asseveration, Christ puts his "Amen" to it; declaring it to be a certain truth, which may firmly be believed: THERE BE SOME STANDING HERE; meaning either his disciples, or some of the audience; for it is clear from Mark 8:34 that the people were called un... [ Continue Reading ]

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