IT is hardly possible to trace the subject of the genealogy of men, in the succession of fathers and sons, through so many generations, without feeling the mind drawn out and exercised in the contemplation of the insignificancy of man in all his boasted strength and power. Well may everyone exclaim with the apostle, in the view of it, for what is your life? it is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away!

But, Reader, is there no relief to the mind under the exercise of such humiliating views of human life? Is there no resource, no comfort, no asylum, or house of mercy, to take shelter in, from the universal wreck of our poor dying and dead nature? Oh thou, precious, ever-living, and life-giving Jesus! Oh! thou who hast proclaimed thyself, and proved thyself to be the resurrection and the life; who hast said, and confirmed it also by the most palpable evidence, that he who believeth thee, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in thee, shall never die: dost thou ask me, dearest Jesus, as thou didst the sorrowful sister, whether I believe this? Yes yes? thou Almighty Lord, I do, I do believe! Blessed be thy name, it is thou which hast given me to believe. And do thou at all times help mine unbelief. The consciousness that thou livest, and that because thou livest all thy people shall live also, bears up my soul above all the dying circumstances of myself, and a world around me. Though this body of mine goeth daily down to the grave, yet in thee, my soul forever liveth, and shall never die. Thou art the Author of life, the Restorer and Maintainer of my spiritual life, and thou wilt, by and by, be the Perfecter of my eternal life, both soul and body together. Hail then, thou glorious, gracious, lovely, and loving Lord Jesus! Thy love is better than wine. For though wine may comfort the heavy heart, yet no wine can raise the dead: but thy love hath done both. And when flesh, and heart, and all things shall fail, thou wilt be the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.

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