READER! let us not take leave of this beautiful, and blessed Epistle of the Apostle, without first praising the Lord the Holy Ghost for so precious a portion of inspired truths, and thanking Him for the services and ministry of it by so faithful a servant.

And, while we both look up to the Great Author of his Holy Word, for his divine teachings to accompany our perusal of the whole contents of it, as often as we are favored with the opportunity, let us, as we pass on from chapter to chapter, be everlastingly on the look-out for Him whom Paul preached, and whom Paul determined to know nothing beside; even Jesus Christ, and him crucified; Jesus Christ, and him glorified; the sent of God, the Lamb of God, the word of God, the power of God, and the wisdom of God, for salvation to everyone that believeth; yea, Jehovah's One, and only One plan of mercy, in the joint love of the Holy Three in One; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to all eternity.

Farewell Paul! for the present! We bless thy Lord, and our Lord, for having counted thee faithful, putting thee into the ministry. May the Lord render thy services yet blessed, as the Lord hath in the ages past, and in the present hour, so on to thousands yet unborn. Oh! may the Lord commission those sweet and sacred Epistles to the edification and establishment of the Church upon earth, as long as time shall remain, until the whole redeemed of the Lon are brought home to join the Church in heaven.


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