READER! mark with me, the very awful state of an unrenewed mind, in the conduct of Saul. No situation, no providences, however prosperous, in themselves; no elevation in rank, or power, can produce real comfort, or happiness, while the heart remains carnal, and unregenerated by grace. The Lord had given Saul a kingdom: and the Lord had turned him from the pursuit of his father's asses, to the pursuit of government; but Saul, though another man, as the scripture terms it, in outward things, remained the same man, as to vital godliness. Learn Reader here from, that it is not a change of place, or rank, or circumstances, that availeth anything; but the putting of the old man which is corrupt, according to the deceitful lusts, and the being renewed in the spirit of the mind: and the putting on the new man, which after God, is created in righteousness, and true holiness.

Precious Jesus! grant me grace to learn once more from hence, in the view of Saul's profanation of thy Priestly office, how infinitely important must be the view of thy alone offering, and priesthood, in the sight of Jehovah; and how rejoiced my soul ought to be, in taking shelter under thy holy censer! Yes! dearest Lord! thou, and thou alone, art a Priest forever, by oath, and the solemn inauguration of thy God and Father. Taken from among men, as it concerned thy manhood, thou wast called to this office from all eternity. And as it relates to thine eternal power and Godhead, thine own glorious perfections, and attributes, become the golden altar, on which, and from whence, the saving efficacy of the whole priesthood, derive their importance. From both, may my soul find continual comfort, and confidence. Never, like Saul, may I bring my poor offerings, or fancied peace offerings, without an eye to thy precious, and all-sufficient sacrifice: for it is thou only, dearest Lord, that canst make, or hath made, our peace in the blood of the cross. To seek acceptance another way, though with the most costly rites, as Saul did, is to show contempt to thy person, thy blood, and thy finished righteousness; and to call down the vengeance of heaven. But while, through the influence of the Holy Ghost, my soul is enabled to look stedfastly to thee, and to rely on thy precious, all atoning blood, and sacrifice, for acceptance with God, and the Father; let. me, blessed Jesus, every day, and all the day, be continually coming in thy name, and righteousness, boldly to the throne of grace, that I may find mercy, and grace to help, in all times of need.

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