Lord! as I look on, and behold the riches and stores bringing into thy temple, what have I to offer or bring to the service of my God? Blessed Jesus! give me grace, like that poor widow, whose offering thou didst regard, to bring my two mites, even my soul and body, for all I have, and all I am, and ever shall be, is from thee, Lord, and of thy bounty, and of thine own would I give thee.

But oh, precious Jesus! did the Levites take up the ark unto its place, and did the whole nation of Israel celebrate the festivity with sacrifices, which could not be told nor numbered for multitude: and shall I not prize that one all-sufficient, all-glorious, and all-effectual sacrifice, to which they ministered, which is thyself, in all the fullness of thy love and redemption!

I bless thee, thou great High Priest of a better dispensation, established upon better promises; that now no cloud can intercept the view of thee, when, in the glory of Jehovah, thou hast filled the house of our God. We can and do behold thee, by faith, in thy word, in thine ordinances, in thy visits of grace to our hearts. And we can and do behold thee, by faith, when we see thee entered into heaven itself, there to appear in the presence of God for us, having obtained eternal redemption by thy blood. Hail! holy blessed Lord Jesus! be thou our hope, our joy, our salvation here below, as thou art, and wilt be our portion forevermore.

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