We have here not only the fulfillment of God's promises in the salvation of his people; but the pouring out of his anger in the destruction of his enemies. Sennacherib himself, though saved, was only saved to have a more painful destruction. His own children shall be his executioners; and he shall die unpitied, even by those who from the ties of nature ought to have loved him. Some have thought that the 76th Psalm was composed upon this occasion. If so, it is strongly expressed in token of the divine love to his people. And what a blessed issue to the troubles of Hezekiah and his people. But, Reader! think what a glorious display will that be, and what a final issue to all the afflictions of the church of Jesus, when he shall come with all his holy angels to be glorified in his saints, and to punish with swift destruction the enemies of his church from his presence forever. All nations shall wail because of him, while his people shall shout with holy joy, crying out, Even so, come Lord Jesus. Revelation 1:7.

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