IN the perusal of this chapter, methinks I would behold the prophet Elisha with the greater attention in the several interesting services here recorded of him, by way of having my soul directed, with more awakened earnestness, to contemplate the grace of his heavenly Master. Surely it is refreshing and comfortable, and highly encouraging to the souls of the faithful, when we see the gracious condescension of the Lord in the employment of such men. What a series of servants the Lord hath called forth in his church! And to what a noble, employment have they been called! And when we call to mind the cause of their ministry; and more especially their Employer; how is the mind overpowered in the contemplation of that love of Christ which passeth knowledge. He gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints; for the work of the ministry; for the edifying of the body of Christ; till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

But is it possible, my soul, to look at these, even all of them, though of the highest order, and pause a moment in the review, without having all the finer affections exercised, and called forth in the contemplation of thee, thou blessed Jesus, thou Prince of prophets, thou Lord of all thy faithful apostles, and of the innumerable host with which thou art encircled on mount Zion, where, as a Lamb that hath been slain, thou still appearest to manifest the everlasting nature of thy priesthood, and the eternal efficacy of thy redemption! Oh! precious Lord God! how do all prophets, priests, and kings sink to nothing before thee! Be thou my unceasing meditation! Teach me, Lord, to behold thee so as to have all my soul's affections drawn out after thee, and unto thee. Oh! for grace to behold the Lord always before me, and to set him on my right hand. May my eyes, by the lively exercise of faith, gaze upon him with unceasing, and increasing, delight, until he shall come to take me home, to behold his glory in one full blaze of everlasting day; and never, never more shall I then take off my ravished eyes from beholding his beauty. Make haste, my Beloved; and be thou like to a roe, or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.

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