READER! think how wretched and low must have been the state of Israel all the while they were without the Ark, the symbol of God's presence. No doubt many a pious Israelite sighed in secret on the occasion. Oh! my Brother! think what a sorrowful heart-breaking event would it be to this happy land of ours, if for the sins of the people the Lord should be pleased to remove the golden candlestick out of place! Even in the bare prospect of it, the heart trembles! Our sweet sabbaths, our solemn feasts, our gospel privileges, and ordinances; once over! And yet, is not the sin of the land enough to call for these tokens of divine displeasure? Who can consider the God of all grace, and the Father of all mercies, so continually affronted as he is, but must tremble for the consequences. if the soul of Lot was vexed from day today by the filthy conversation of the wicked; well may rivers of water run down the eyes of the faithful, because men keep not God's law.

But Reader! amidst the awful contemplation of such an event may it be your comfort and mine, that should the Lord lay judgment to the line, and righteousness to the plummet; though we lose the Ark, God's people cannot lose him whose symbol the Ark was. Oh! let you and I fetch up the Ark of God, even Jesus, to our hearts and to our houses: It is his presence alone which gives a real blessing to ordinances; and without his presence the best of ordinances are nothing. And, O Lord God, grant, that neither of us, like Uzzah, may presumptuously give a wrong touch unto the Ark, nor vainly think that the Ark of God needs our feeble hand to its support. Do thou, Lord God, direct all our approaches unto thee, and direct them that they may be after the due order which thou hast enjoined. And then, if the Michals of the present hour despise our joy, and contemn our raptures, let them; it will only serve to manifest yet more whose we are, by the persecutions of the ungodly. And oh! for grace in full exercise, not like David, on this occasion to return railing for railing, but contrarywise blessing. May we pass on through evil report as well as good report; and in all our lesser trials, seek, dearest Jesus, a portion of thy Spirit, that we may go forth unto thee, without the camp, bearing thy reproach; rejoicing that we are counted worthy to suffer shame for thy name.

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