This Chapter begins with a woe, and an awful charge follows. Who are particularly meant here by the Shepherds, is not said; perhaps both Priests and Levites; the Elders, and all that had a charge; (for at this time the government had no prince) and the people were in captivity. The Holy Ghost indeed hath given no date to this Sermon; but as it was delivered by Ezekiel, it must have been while the Church was in Babylon. Perhaps the Holy Ghost was pleased to have it handed down to the Church without a date, on purpose that it might suit shepherds of every generation. Reader! look at God's charge of unfaithful shepherds, and tremble! They are said to feed themselves, but not the flock. They are charged with neglecting the diseased of the fold; and even with force and cruelty to be ruling over them. They are said to be altogether inattentive to poor strayed sheep and wanderers, and never to search nor seek after them. Reader! awfully ponder these things. But do not fail while noticing the worthlessness of men, to observe the tender mercy of the Lord. The poor, diseased, neglected, and even wandering and scattered sheep, the Lord still calls his. My sheep (saith the Lord) wandered; yea my flock was scattered. Precious Jesus! how blessed is it thus to eye thy grace and favor, amidst all the infirmities of thy fold, and the worthless conduct of their keepers!

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