OH! ye shepherds in the fold of Christ's Church by whatever name or rank ye are distinguished among men; here read the solemn declarations of the Lord, and behold the awful and tremendous consequences of unfaithfulness in your several and distinct charges! Who, for the sake of a trifling, short, and transitory distinction among men, would take the solemn care of the fold of Christ upon them, and have the blood of souls to lie at their doors! Oh! ye hirelings! who from carnal ends, and not from love to Christ and his sheep, rush into the service of the Lord's pastures! Here behold the sad and miserable termination of a life so wretched, and a trust so abused! Oh! that the Lord, in compassion to his flock, would stop the mad and desperate attempt of men so lost and depraved; and give, as he hath graciously promised, to his Church, Pastors after his own heart, who shall feed his people with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15

But from a subject so truly awful, Reader, let you and I seek relief in looking to Jesus, the good shepherd, who hath given his life for the sheep! Truly, Lord, thy Father graciously gave thee thy flock, and made them thine when thou camest to seek and save that which was lost. Through every part of this Chapter, in all that is promised of the faithful pastor, we trace thy footsteps, and mark the distinguishing features of thy character. Yea, blessed Jesus! it is thou, and thou alone, that hast gone over the mountains, and through every hill and vale, in quest of thy flock; and thou hast brought home, and wilt bring home all and everyone on thy shoulders rejoicing. It is thine office to separate the goats from the sheep; and to distinguish between the precious and the vile. And ere long, thou, who art now the Lamb in the midst of the throne, feeding those now above, and leading them to fountains of living waters, wilt bring home the whole flock that remain out of the spiritual Egypt of this world, and not an hoof shall be left behind. Then blessed Lord, all thy sheep shall be brought into one fold, and everlastingly secured from all future wanderings, when thou, the Chief Shepherd shall appear, they all shall appear with thee in glory. Amen.

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