See, Reader, how the Lord himself hath graciously explained this vision to the Prophet. Whether, as some read it, the subject refers to the restoration of Israel from Babylon, temporally considered; or, to the recovery of his people, from the graves of sin; spiritually interpreted; or, to the final and complete resurrection of the whole Church of God eternally and forever at the last day; in either, and in every sense the subject is most blessed. And though the people of God are apt to despond under their dying frames and dying circumstances; yet, the recovery being in the Lord himself, the thing is certain, and the vision sure. The Lord undertakes, and it is he which promiseth. He saith, I will open your graves, I will cause you to come up out of them. I will bring you into your own land. I will put my Spirit in you. It is I the Lord which will do all these things. And when these things are done, then shall ye know that I am the Lord, and that the Lord have both spoken and performed it. Reader! if through sovereign mercy, you and I arrive at last safely to heaven, to whom think you shall we then ascribe the wonderful works? Surely there, free grace will then have all that glory. All self-righteousness will be heard no more. And can you assign a single cause why the Lord should not have the glory now?

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