AND now, Reader! before closing the book of this prophecy, say, what hath the Lord taught thee of its blissful contents? Taken in one great whole, it seems evident, amidst all the obscurity upon those writings of Ezekiel, that it is the Gospel Church, and not the Temple of the Jews, after their return from Babylon, the Prophet was taught to contemplate by this vision. The immense city here described in the last nine Chapter s of Ezekiel's vision, not the whole territories of Israel; no, nor the whole world could contain! According to the smallest calculation, one hundred thousand miles is the dimensions! Hence we must behold therefore, somewhat beyond anything material in the building. It is, it must be, spiritual. And as the Lord Jesus Christ, by his entrance into the second temple, gave a greater glory to it than all the splendour of the first; and as both these are done away, why may we not, as the Apostle saith we do, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Reader! what saith your heart's expectation to those things? Oh! for both Writer and Reader, to be as the Apostle describes the Church, looking for, and hasting to, the coming of this great day of God! Jesus will come, to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe. His feet (the Prophet saith) shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives. He, whom the wondering disciples saw ascending, shall so come in like manner, as they saw him go into heaven! Reader! here let you and I rest, in full assurance of faith. The Church, both militant and triumphant; in grace and glory; shall know his name, for from that day the name of the City shall be called, the Lord is there.

And now adieu, Ezekiel, faithful servant of thy God! Thou hast indeed shown, that thou wert rightly named Ezekiel, which is, the strength of God. For thou hast shown the strength of the Lord to have been in thee. Highly favoured Messenger! What though the river Chebar witnessed thy captivity; yet made free in Jesus, thou wert free indeed. And blest with such visions of thy God, how peculiarly set apart wert thou for thy Lord's service. Through every generation thy inspired records have been commissioned to thy Lord's glory. I thank thee, as my Lord's servant, for what He hath taught me by thee. I thank my God for raising up such a servant in his Church. And now, thou hast long seen all the grand events here taught thee in vision, assuredly to be realized in their due season; thou hast sat down among the goodly fellowship of Prophets in heaven, waiting under the golden altar their final accomplishment! Farewell for a little space, Ezekiel, until the whole Church meet in this blessed city thou has so divinely described, and every tribe have each their separate and distinct mansion in Jesus, and Jesus the one portion of each and of all. In that blessed hour, may it be the felicity, both of him that writes and him that reads, (if consistent with the Lord's will), to join Ezekiel with all the ransomed which are there returned to Zion, with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads. There in one vast assembly, all to shout aloud, and all to enter into the full and everlasting enjoyment of their Lord. Each for himself, and altogether equally blessed, in the unspeakable and never ending happiness of His presence. Jehovah Shammah! Then will it be indeed known and indeed felt; the Lord IS THERE. Amen, and Amen.

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