No doubt in the evil already induced from these improper connections, the Holy Ghost had guarded the stock of David from any evil consequences in this grand matter. But it was high time that Israel should be made sensible of the sin, and be divorced from all such alliances. Here is a sweet spiritual improvement arising out of this subject. Believers in Jesus must he divorced from all carnal connections, in order to their union with the Lord. Hence Paul saith, that he was jealous over the church, because he had espoused her to Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:2. And with what tears and vows do true believers in Christ en gage in his service, when turning our back upon the world, we resolve to be wholly Jesus's? This Shechaniah is honorably spoken of in this place by the Holy Ghost. Oh! how truly valuable thus to be honorably recorded in the book of God.

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