How shall I properly prize my mercies, in the grace the Lord gives me, to receive and believe in Jesus; when I am told, as in this Chapter, that the professing Israel of old, to whom the Gospel was preached, found no profit, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Oh! how plain and evident it is, from the experience of mankind in all ages, that grace makes all the difference between him who serveth God, and him who serveth him not. Lord! cause thy Church, thy people, thy redeemed, to rest in Christ and his finished work, as God in creation, and Christ in redemption, rested from theirs. Oh! the sweet thought! There is a rest, and Christ is that rest, which remaineth for the people of God.

Oh! thou uncreated Word! let my soul be always under thy soul - warning, and spirit-comforting power. And, as all things are naked, and open to thine all-piercing sight, do thou, Lord, impart the very grace thou seest to be needful for me. Oh! thou risen and exalted Savior! Thou art indeed passed into the heavens. Thither would my soul by faith and love follow thee. Jesus knoweth me, feeleth for me, is sensibly touched with the circumstances of my infirmities. Surely, Jesus can, and Jesus will, impart all necessary strength, and my God and Savior will make me more than conqueror, through his grace helping me!

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