READER! beg with me for grace from God the Holy Ghost, that we may both follow up his merciful design in giving the Church this precious Chapter, and behold the love of God the Father to his dear Son! See how God's own son, when appointed before all worlds, to be Christ, the wisdom of God, and the power of God, for salvation to his body the Church; was beloved in the divine mind in this gracious character! Hence he called him out of the Egypt of this world. Hence, in his divine counsels, he set him up, not in open flesh from the beginning, but subsisting secretly in the mediatorial settlements of eternity. And when the fulness of time was come, he came forth for the salvation of his people. And in all the events of his mysterious life, ministry, and death; we may say concerning him, as the Apostle did in his devout prayer; of a truth Lord, against thine holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people Israel, were gathered together; for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done. And may we not add from the same authority, in all the works and sufferings of Jesus; thine hand did lead him, and thy right arm did strengthen him. Yea, Lord, the Mediator, in all his soul travail, did cast himself upon thee; and thou didst manifest that he was the very Christ, in making the pleasure of Jehovah to prosper in his hand!

And now, Lord, for his sake, look upon the whole Church, and love them as thou hast loved him. Teach them, Lord! to go, taking all thy little ones by their arms. And though they know not the Lord, as the Lord Rophe, that healeth them, yet draw them with the cords of a man, yea, with the bands of love; and fulfil thy gracious promise to our glorious Head, in making all his people willing in the day of thy power. And though thy people are bent to backsliding, and their heart is prone to wander, yet, Holy Father! how canst thou give them up? How canst thou make them as Admah, or Zeboim; while the One, Holy Man, whose name is Wonderful, is in the Sodom of this our World, to save his people from their sins? Hath he not brought in an everlasting righteousness, with which thou hast declared thyself well pleased. And is not this the very righteousness in which thou beholdest thy People? Oh! most gracious God and Father! we would look up to thee, in, and through the blessed Son of thy love, and say in the language of thy Church: behold, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed! Hear Lord, the voice of Judah, and bring him unto his people; for Judah yet ruleth with God and is faithful with the saints!

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