What a blessed provision do we find in these divine promises, for the recovery of God's ancient people, the Jews! Neither the north nor the south shall be able to detain the seed of Jesus, when the hour of their deliverance shall come. There is a set time to favor Zion; and, as in grace, so in glory, the Lord will finally call home his people, from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth, to the uttermost part of heaven; Isaiah 59:20; Matthew 24:31. I pray the Reader not to overlook the cause of all, in the person of the Lord Jesus, evidently and plainly spoken of, in the last of these verses. He it is, as Jehovah's servant, and to whom, for the purpose of redemption, a body was given, that is the sum and substance of all that is here said; Psalms 40:6.

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