Reader! do remark with me, the infinite grace of the Lord! see how, amidst all the sanctities of heaven, the case of a poor sinner upon earth was taken notice of, and provided for. Depend upon it, the Lord is continually so doing for all his people. By one of the seraphim flying to Isaiah and performing this act of grace, I confess that I am but the more strengthened in my belief, that the seraphim were representations of Jehovah in Christ. It is the office of the Holy Ghost to take of the things of Jesus, and show them unto the people. The altar can mean no other than Jesus. And it is the blood of Jesus which alone cleanseth from all sin. But while I thus express my views of the passage, I desire to do it with the lowest reverence. I only humbly inquire if it may not be so? Very, very far from speaking decidedly upon it. Lord, take away the iniquity both of my lips and pen, as thou didst in mercy, remove the prophet's guilt!

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