READER! let us pass over every lesser consideration, to attend to that blessed and most important prophecy, contained in this chapter, concerning the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Ahaz refused to hear, and would not ask a sign of the Lord, let you and I receive this blessed sign, so graciously given to the church, and on our bended knees, read and adore God in Christ, for so rich and precious a scripture. And now that we have lived to see the whole fulfilled, yea more than fulfilled, in a thousand additional mercies, which the Son of God hath brought with him, and with which he hath beautified and comforted his church; oh! for grace to meditate in the same, night and day; and to read both the prophecy and the accomplishment of it, under the Spirit's teaching, until all the blissful consequences included in it be incorporated in our hearts, and we discover and enjoy our interest in all that belongs to our Jesus and his great salvation!

Oh! thou dear Lord of thy church and people! Didst thou, the glorious Ancient of days, condescend to become the babe of Bethlehem? Didst thou, blessed Jesus, vouchsafe to be born for me, and rather than the poorest of thy family should perish, wouldest become man, and not abhor the virgin's womb? Oh! the preciousness of that name, that glorious gracious name Immanuel, which is more fragrant than ointment poured forth! Never may I lose sight of it; never may I go abroad, or remain at home, without bearing it about with me: it tells me, my Jesus is God! Surely then he can save me; surely he wilt save me! The work of redemption was not too great for him. Yea, it gives efficacy to all he did, and all he suffered. For now I see by it, that all he did, and all he suffered, were the acts of God, mighty to save. And sure I am, that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him. God my Saviour will carry on, and complete, all that remains to be done concerning me; how then shall I perish, or come short of his glory? Oh! thou glorious Immanuel! blessed Jesus! give me to hail thee forever by this endeared name. And moreover, as my Redeemer is Immanuel, God with us; so is he Immanuel, God in our nature! Oh what so near or so dear as Jesus, who is bone of my bone, and flesh of my, flesh? Lord, I pass by all the affinities of life, in comparison of thee: for thou fittest all, and art nearer than all. And oh! how delightful the thought! that while my soul finds such rapture in the consciousness of the relation: Jesus wilt not deny his poor relation, but condescends to own him. Yea, he commands that I should be told, he is not ashamed to call his people, brethren? Precious, precious Jesus! And be thou adored, my Lord, for such a sign, in such a prophecy, given to the church, by thy servant, Thanks be to God! for his unspeakable gift.

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