Jeremiah 11:1

CONTENTS The Prophet is prosecuting the same important, but unthankful office of reproof, through this Chapter. The close of it discovers a conspiracy formed against Jeremiah by the men of Anathoth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 11:1-5

The Prophet produceth very frequently his commission from the Lord, by way both of establishing his authority, and enforcing their attention. The subject here is to remind Israel of God's covenant, and their breach of it. And the Prophet's Amen at the close of it becomes a confirmation, and his hear... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 11:9-13

Was there ever a more pitiable view of degeneracy, than Judah here affords? Was this the great and understanding people, that was once the astonishment and envy of the whole earth? What? had they indeed a dunghill god, for every city? How is the most fine gold become dim?... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 11:15-17

Amidst all these solemn things, and amidst all the judgments coming upon the people; let not the Reader overlook how the Lord graciously adverts to former times, and still calls his Church beloved. I do not presume to determine, what is meant by the holy flesh, passing from the people. But I cannot... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 11:18-23

Poor Jeremiah's preaching brought upon him constant hatred and persecution. It hath done so to all faithful preachers in all ages of the Church, and ever must, and will. So Jesus taught his disciples to expect, and so they have always found. John 15:18. Mark, how the Lord, in the close of the Chapte... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 11:23

REFLECTIONS My soul! call out of this Chapter for thy meditation what the Jerusalem sinners laid so little at heart; the blessedness of that Covenant, the Lord commanded his servant the Prophet to preach in their streets. What can be more sweet, or gracious, than that which is at the bottom of all... [ Continue Reading ]

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