READER let us learn from this chapter to form one sure and unerring maxim, concerning the providences of God, that however puzzling and unaccountable to us they may appear, the issue of them must invariably be, for the divine glory, and for the welfare of his people. Behold in this point of view, our faith will find frequent ca use indeed for exercise; but faith will also find a suited strength to lean upon during the time of exercise. Who should have thought the cruelty of Joseph's brethren, would, in the divine direction of it, ultimately be made the means of so much good? Who would have conceived, that the crucifixion of Jesus, was in the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God? Such events speak, in a loud voice, to suspend our judgment on all the ways and works of God: and to wait to hear what the Lord will accomplish by all his providences going on throughout the earth.

Reader let us learn another sweet lesson from the perusal of this Chapter. I mean, that we study more, in silent and humble adoration, the ways and works of the Lord, both in the circumstances of our own lives, and the order of his Church. Jesus hath the government upon his shoulder. He is the King of nations, as well as King of Saints. His way is in the sea, and his paths in the great waters, and his footsteps are not known. But the end is sure. Think what wisdom that must be, which comprehends such an infinite variety of men and things, differently and oppositely pursued by them, but ordered by Him, to his glory, and the Church's welfare! Precious Lord Jesus! grant both to Reader and Writer, grace to be always looking up to thee, and seeking thy wisdom to guide; thy power to protect; and thy love to bless, all the events which concern ourselves, and thy people. And while we both take confidence, and holy joy, that if thou art for us, who can be against us, may a sense of thine unerring wisdom, constrain us continually to exclaim, oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God? How unsearchable are thy judgments, and thy ways past finding out!

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