READER! how happy is it for you and for me, that we live under a brighter dispensation, than Job's counselors, and are taught by him in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Yes! blessed JESUS! thou hast taught that great afflictions not only may abound among those whom GOD loveth, but that heavy trials and temptations, when found in the path of godliness, are rather testimonies vine favor. Thou hast said thyself; As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. I beseech thee, therefore, blessed Master, that I may eye thee in every dispensation, and then sure I am, that I shall discover love at the bottom of all thine appointments, and wisdom guiding and regulating all. My JESUS, while he governs as my GOD, will never forget that he is also my Saviour, my brother, my husband, my friend. And if such views as these, will not stop the voice of complaint, nothing will. And dearest, blessed Master, while I thus beseech thee to grant me grace and strength equal to my day, that I may be always on the lookout for thy wise and loving government in all things: yet when it shall please thee, as most suited to thy good will and pleasure, to hide from me thy plan, and as with Job, things are mysterious, and discouraging; yet even then, blessed LORD, never, oh never, remit the communications of thy grace within, that faith may be in lively exercise, and that I may find strength from thee, to trust thee when I cannot trace thee. Let the storm from without beat ever so violently, yet if my JESUS support the roof within, my poor frail tabernacle will not fall. Oh! for the sweet consolations and lovely teachings of JESUS, by his SPIRIT, that I may be able to say, at the worst of times, I see enough of JESUS in this dispensation, to be assured it is in his appointment! It must therefore be among the all things which work together for good. It shall be well. I shall wade through this affliction, as I have, by the LORD'S leading me, through many before. Here then, blessed LORD, I will rest. Though I see thee not in all these providences of thine, it is enough that thou seest me? and art not only looking on, but tempering my trials to my strength, and hast promised to stay thy tough wind in the day of thy east wind. Though, like the disciples, my soul may fear as I enter the cloud, yet JESUS will be there, and he will shine out, and shine through all. By and by, every intervening cloud will be forever taken out of the way; and he that is now my GOD and my salvation, will be my everlasting light, my GOD, and my glory.

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