READER! let you and I pause over this view of Job's confidence, and ask our own hearts whether, in our approaches now in ordinances, and looking forward to our appearance shortly before the judgment seat, when we shall stand before the throne, we have this well grounded assurance of acceptance in JESUS.

It is a grand question, and of all others the most important to be rightly known. Some are for postponing this enquiry, as if it could not be fully known until the last day. But let those who know not the scripture, neither the power of GOD, be content so to defer it. Let you and I see whether the knowledge is not attainable now, and under the conviction that it is, bring the blessed effects of it into present possession and enjoyment, that we may be the patient followers of them who now, through faith and patience, inherit the promises.

The LORD hath said he will be sanctified by all them that draw nigh unto him. Hence, when the HOLY GHOST is about to convince a sinner of sin, he sets up a tribunal in his very heart, and the work of grace begins in making the poor sinner to know and feel a sensibleness of his own lost and utterly undone estate, as it stands before GOD. Thus breaking up the fallow ground of the heart for the seed of righteousness, the HOLY GHOST next brings the convinced sinner acquainted with the person and work of the LORD JESUS CHRIST: and so powerfully convinceth him of the suitableness and all-sufficiency of JESUS for salvation, as to incline the sinner's whole soul to the belief, and to the cordial and hearty acceptance of redemption in this blessed way of GOD'S own appointing. And when these blessed works are wrought in the poor sinner's soul, like Job, he hastens to plead the whole before the throne. Reader! is this your privilege, your happiness, your confidence? If so, these precious things speaks for themselves. It is by these things, men live, and in this is the life of the soul. Oh! for grace thus to bring the LORD JESUS, and his finished work, in the arms of our faith in all our approaches to a mercy-seat in ordinances here below, in prayer, in communion, and in all our intercourse with GOD, while this side Jordan; and when we pass the river of death, this will be our sure and safe pleading against all the accusations of Satan, the fears of our own conscience, the terrors of GOD'S broken law, and the just judgments of Almighty GOD. Yes! blessed JESUS, I will now and forever say, Thou hast answered, and thou wilt answer for me, O LORD, my GOD!

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